Looking to renovate your kitchen? Now is the time.
When planning a renovation, there are a lot of things to consider, it can be an exciting and overwhelming experience. Something many homeowners don’t consider is the time of year when the renovation will take place. During the summer months is the perfect time to renovate and here’s why;
Fresh Air and Reliable Weather — Let’s be real, renovating can get messy. The ideal way to keep things clean and have fresh air flowing is to open up windows and doors. This will also allow for things to be moved in and out easier.
BBQ Season — Even with the most efficient renovations, there will be times when you will not be able to utilize your space and eating out can be expensive. If you remodel during the summer months, you have the option to cook and dine outside, it's a win win!
Schedule Flexibility — With longer days and more flexible schedules, there is more time to make decisions on materials, design and layout. It’s also a great time to head on vacation and have the work completed while you are away!
Connect with our team today and let’s start your renovation planning process!